Amorphic sand Lobby

Project's description

Guy and Doron Levy, a distinguished veteran construction company, constructed 17 buildings in the Eucalyptus neighborhood in Be’er Ya’akov. Tzvia Kazioff Studio was selected to design each lobby, maintaining a common DNA while treating each building as an individual based on its architectural characteristics.

The architectural concept in the lobbies is modern, young, and soft, featuring rounded corners that evoke a sense of progress and sophistication at both architectural and aesthetic levels. Walls are crafted using flexible plaster covered with durable willow plaster, and rounded walls and columns are embraced by bent brass panels. Alongside the monochromatic elements, veneer wood is used to cover walls, columns, and mailboxes, adding warmth to the space. As a finishing touch, artist Efrat Ilan painted custom pieces for each lobby, expressing her feelings within the space and continuing the project’s design theme.




Beer Yaakov




Planning & Lead designer - Tzvia Kazayoff

Assistant Interior Designer - Gilli Cohen

Project photography – Amit Gosher

Contractor – Guy & Doron Levi

Custom carpentry - Shadi

Greenery – Dizigarden

Tiles – Dor & Zuri

Lighting - Kamchi

Artwork – Efrat Ilan

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